Answers to some frequently asked questions
Q1: Does my athlete have to attend all of the regattas?
A: Athletes are expected to attend all regattas. Please plan on your athlete participating unless he/she has an excused absence, which must be communicated to the head coach in advance.
The exception is the select or qualifying events. Select events are regattas in which only those athletes selected by the head coach will participate. Qualifying events are regattas in which only those boats that qualify will participate. Athletes that do not participate in a select or qualifying event are not required to attend (but are encouraged to attend for support!). There will be separate costs for select and qualifying events.
Q2: This is my athlete’s first season – will my athlete make the team and be able to row?
A: UA Crew welcomes all UAHS students and has the option to make cuts at the coaches' discretionand based on team size, participation, attitude, safety or any other issue considered detrimental to the team. All registered athletes that practice with the team will compete at regattas, barring sickness, injury or other extenuating circumstances.
Q3: How much will rowing cost?
A: Registration/Equipment Fees and Regatta Fees average about $900 per season. Spring season is generally more costly. Because costs are determined by the number of students participating, the final figures are not determined until registration and travel arrangements have been finalized. For more specific information on the fees, please see Participation Fees and Support.
Q4: What forms of payment are accepted?
A: UA Crew will automatically bill your credit card or debit from your bank account.
Q5: What are Registration/Equipment Fees and Regatta Fees?
A: Registration/Equipment Fees cover the cost of purchasing and maintaining rowing equipment, coach salaries, insurance, fuel for launch boats, safety equipment and other fixed costs for operating the rowing program.
Regatta Fees cover the costs associated with attending that season’s regattas. These include regatta entry fees, transportation to and from the regatta, overnight accommodations, food and other regatta-specific expenses.
All expenses are shared equally among all rowers (except for select and qualifying events — see Q1).
Q6: Is financial aid available?
A: UA Crew understands that crew is an expensive sport. The Trustees of UA Crew have established a needs-based Financial Assistance Program to give rowers who may otherwise be unable to participate due financial reasons, the opportunity to join the team. This program is funded primarily from the annual Haxton Invitational Regatta and is limited to funds available. Financial assistance and alternate payment schedules are provided at the discretion of the Trustees of UA Crew. You can learn more about this on the Participation Fees and Support page.
Q7: Does UA Crew have a refund policy?
A: Yes. The refund policy can be found on our Participation Fees and Support page.
Q8: Where can I find out more about UA Crew?
A: We encourage you to browse the website — specifically, the About Us page and the UA Crew Handbook are great resources. Additional questions can be send to the UA Crew President at president@uacrew.org.